Monday, May 23, 2011

Cardiac Power Point

Hello everyone!  Please see that attached Cardiac slides.  Many of you asked for the visual aids to help you study.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!  

Cardiac Power Point

I know many of you expressed that the cardiac system is one of the more difficult systems to understand.  It will begin to make more sense as we move ahead in lecture.  Remember that tutoring is available if you need some one-to-one attention or would like to sign up as a group.  Go to the Nursing Department office and see Diane Banes to sign up.  Don't wait until the day before the final exam!

I am also available, as always, from 7am - 8am before class.

See you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent--in future I would put "click here" so the student know then are following a link. The blog looks good--if you want try a Voki video, Surveyonkey, Jing screencast--add your voice!! MAT
